Saturday, August 28, 2010

raya ke??

adakah raya ni..raya terakhir bagi aku??? atau sempat kah aku beraya???? pening pale aku..ngan skt aku semakin kronik ni..klu aku xsempat beraya bersama korg semua..aku mohon maaf dari hujung pale sampai hujung kaki..klu aku ade hutang ngan korg semua aku mintak halal kan..t aku bg list sape y aku berhutang...

pada ibu n ayah alang mintak maaf bnyk2..halal kan darah y mengalir dlm tubuh alang ni..y akan berhenti entah bile...pada along selamt pengantin baru,...jadilah isteri y solehah...angah jd la abg y syg kan adik...pada uli..aku syg ko...jgn ikut kan ati....pikir dulu...uda ingt ape y alang pesan mase kenduri along tunang tu...adik atul...belajar rajin jgn mls..t buleh jd mcm alang...alang tkt x sempat nak kongsi kejayaan alang bersama semua....tolong semua ingt apa y kita perlu buat sebagai umat islam...


pada kwn2 ku..aku doa kan korg semua berjaya...pada kerol terima kasih coz jadi member aku...bwk aku nasihat..aku syg ko..klu dah xde t..aku akan perhatiakn ko dr sana...pada naqib aku syg ko..maceh jd kan aku lebih lelaki...dgr la nasihat mama n ayah ko...cinta biar la 1..jgn buat benda y aku xsuka...bile aku dah xde t...xde sape dah nak membebel kat ko...jgn mudah ikut ckp owg n tiru perangai owg...ape2 pun aku stil perhatikan ko dr jauh...pada semua kwn2 aku..aku syg korg..kite jumpe d sana k...wslm..semoga umur ku d panjang kan lg oleh allah s.w.t

green stool or feses hijau or berak hijau

Green Stool

What does Green Stool mean?

Green stool usually means that food has passed through the intestines faster than normal before it could be changed from green to brown. When food passes through the intestines faster than normal, it is called decreased bowel transit time or rapid transit.

What causes Green Stool?

One of the main causes of green stool is diarrhea. Diarrhea decreases bowel transit time.

Other causes of green stool include:
Laxative use
Antibiotic use
Medication side effects
Food poisoning
Celiac disease
Ulcerative colitis
Crohn's disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Bacterial overgrowth
Infectious diarrhea - especially salmonella and giardia
Traveler's diarrhea

Foods and supplements that can cause green stool include:

Iron supplements

Green Stool in Breast Feed Babies

In breast-fed babies, green stool is a normal occurrence, especially right after birth.

What to do if your stool is green

If you have green stool with other symptoms and cannot think of a reason why your bowel movements may have changed, call your doctor. While green stool is not considered abnormal, serious or chronic changes in bowel movement may indicate a cause for concern.

Brown Stool

The liver constantly secretes a bright green fluid called bile into the small intestine or it is stored in the gallbladder.

Bile is needed to absorb fats and fat soluble vitamins. Bile also helps to soften stools and is responsible for giving stools their characteristic brown color.

As bile makes its way through the intestines, it progressively changes color from green to yellow to brown. The color change is caused by the action of bacteria in the large intestine on the bile salts.

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